Thursday, 7 January 2010

9 miles reading a book.

Due to the continued sub zero conditions I took the quick route to and from work today, the picture shows how bad my road still is, but to be honest the main roads were ok.

I did pop into the gym after work though, and did just over 15km in half an hour on the excercise bike there. It was pretty good, I could read a book and still keep my RPM around the 100 mark. Not having a cycle computer I'm never 100% sure how far I've gone, and I have no idea of what RPM I might be achieving. I don't think 100 for half an hour is too bad - I went online when I got back to used an online converter as I'm "old school", and that's an average of 19mph.

15 miles in a day isn't going to get me far when it comes to the "Big Bike Ride" but I'm glad to be keeping active in this weather, and my extra gym work will hopefully shift some weight too.

Oh, had a call from Red Kite this afternoon, my new bike is in and is ready for collection - as tempted as I am to rush round there tomorrow after work, I think I'll wait until Saturday and I can ride it home in daylight. Pretty excited I have to say, although I'm undecided about the weather - part of me wants the snow to stay a while longer as I hope to go sledging with the kids Saturday and/or Sunday, but I also really want to get out on the new bike too, but can't risk her in these conditions. We'll see what Mother Nature brings eh?


  1. Hello Lee! It's nice to meet you. I'm impressed that you ride your bicycle to work in the snow! Here I've been grumping about not being able to ride my bike in our local snow and ice, and there you are making me feel like a whiner now.

  2. Red Kite Cycles, fabulous shop, very helpful and I like to go there occasionally to drool over the machinery that I will never be able to afford or do justice to. :-)

  3. Since i've been riding fixed my RPM is all over the place. Even when I use a geared bike force of habbit makes me mash up the hills and spin like crazzy down them. I wish I could get back into the habbit of spinning up the hills and using my gears to keep my cadence constant at about 90ish mark.

  4. I think we've had enough snow meltage for me to run errands on my bike today. Thanks for the inspiration.

    That's a beautiful bike. If it were me, I'd be tempted to call in sick, and go pick it up! (don't tell my boss I said that).

  5. Abby: Hi, thanks for dropping in, glad you finally got out on your bike - sounds like we've got Colorado type weather over here right now - which is why I resisted the urge to throw a sickie - I'll save that for when the weather is better.

    Clive: They have got some serious kit in there haven't they, I went in 2 or 3 times before finally buying the bike, I didn't find anywhere reasonably local that could match them for range or quality.

    Red Bike: I've never ridden a fixed so can't say if I'd be any better to be honest, and not having a computer on my bike I was never sure what sort of RPM I was achieving, so yesterday was a pleasant surprise - it is easier on excercise bikes though.
