Sunday, 7 February 2010

Todays weigh in.

Pleasing result this morning, 2 milestones reached. I now weigh 13 stone 13.2lbs, so 3 lost this week. That means I've broke the 14 stone barrier, and now lost my first half a stone. I wasn't feeling overly confident to be honest because despite my big ride I'd eaten a fair bit of party food this week. We had the in-laws over Wednesday (the day of his birthday), then there was the party yesterday with his school friends (which I survived by the way, and everyone seemed to have lots of fun), and today my folks are coming over so it's party number 3.

The body doesn't feel too bad after Fridays exertion's, knee hurts a bit, back still sore, but it was sore before so that's not because of the riding. Apart from that, no complaints.

Time to go and make myself decent, everyone should be here in 5 minutes. Fingers crossed the house is still standing when they've gone!!

Friday, 5 February 2010

The Big 5 0 (a long story, be warned)

No, it's not my birthday, although it's only 8 weeks away, hint hint. Even then, I will definitely NOT be 50, another 7 years before I hit that milestone.

No, today I managed my first ever 50 mile ride, and on the new bike too.

I headed for Warwick first, and at around 15 miles there is a turning I normally take if I'm doing my 30 mile ride, which loops me back home through lovely country lanes. I have to confess, I spent a lot of time pondering if I should just do the 30 mile route today, after all, I haven't done a lot of riding lately. However, as wise a move as that might have been, I carried straight on and headed for Warwick.

Once in Warwick the plan was to head to Stratford Upon Avon then head home, however I realised that I hadn't actually looked at the map for weeks - I'd initially thought about doing this weeks and weeks ago but with one thing or another it never happened, so I was now in the centre of Warwick with my inbuilt "Man Sat Nav" to guide me!! I could recall that Stratford was on the right of Warwick on the map, so I headed right, past Warwick Castle and some fantastic Tudor buildings, and towards countryside. A mile or 2 later there was an island and some signposts, and sure enough I was heading in the right direction.

So I joined the A46 and pedalled onwards and upwards - quite a lot of upwards actually, but I was doing OK, although by now I was feeling a bit saddle sore, so any downhill bit, no matter how gentle, I took the opportunity to freewheel and stand on my pedals for a bit of relief. I didn't realise how far Stratford was from Warwick, they look quite close on the map, but by now there really was no turning back.

When I got close to Stratford I followed the signs for the town centre, thinking I'll get there then look for the signs for Brum. Which is exactly what I did, then found myself pedalling for a mile or 2 on the road I'd just ridden into Stratford, sods law I think that's called.

So I'm now on the home leg, and although I had a drink I had no snacks with me, and I was feeling peckish, but I'd forgotten my wallet and only had £1.42 in my rucksack. No worries, I'll see what I can get with that, if I can find a little shop. Well, did I come across a shop, oh no. And then I got pretty wet in a shower, surrounded by blue sky, one rouge grey cloud targeted me quite unnecessarily. It was 6 miles before I stumbled on a proper oasis in Wootton Wawen. A shop with loads of damaged and out of date goods outside at knock down prices, so I got a lot for my £1.40 I can tell you. Mini Hob Nobs (x 2), bottle of Lucozade and a packet of nuts, which I devoured like a man who hadn't eaten in days :-)

After that 10 minute break it was back on the bike, the rest of the journey was straightforward enough, although my left calf was starting to cramp up, and my neck ached (the posture on the road bike is different to the mountain bike, that should get easier though), the uphills were really painful, I resorted to getting out of the saddle for those, oh and my knees ached. But apart from that, totally straightforward.

I'm now completely knackered, but showered, warm and dry, we'll see how the body is tomorrow. My sons 5th birthday party tomorrow, him plus 11 mates at the local bowling alley, should be fun. If I survive I'll post an update.