Tuesday 15 December 2009

A big Thank You to Bladerunner

We have a gym at work and it's run by Bladerunner - http://www.bladerunner.co.uk/ - I asked them last week if I could have free access for the next 4 months so I could do some training in there rather than catch another cold cycling in torrential rain, or whatever else the British winter might throw at me, and they have very kindly agreed to. I'm hoping the instructer will also take pity on me and offer whatever advice, guidance or encouragement he feels I need!!

So I plan on using the exercise bikes pretty much every day, as well as still cycling to work - not that I have much choice on that front, it's bike or bus and it's quicker by bike. I might even do a bit of weight work too, upper body strength will help, and any body weight I can lose between now and my ride will be less weight to carry around on the bike.

So, thanks again Bladerunner, it really is appreciated and I'm very grateful - especially now it's getting so cold!!

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